Saturday, November 29, 2008


So what is all this Twilight business you see everywhere. You know the book with the apple. Well it's a movie made from a book for young readers. Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. My BFF's came to the gym and wanted to go eat. We went to PF Changs at La Cantera. YUMMY!! Afterwards we decided to go see a movie at the Palladium. So we decided to see Twilight, all I knew was it was a vampire movie. I have never been obsessed with vampires, but I did like the CBS show Moonlight. It only lasted one season :( Well after the movie I stopped by HEB to get a few things and stopped by the books and decided to pick it up. As soon as I got home I started to read it!! At 6am I decided I should go to bed.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving!! Going to the In-Laws house!!