Friday, December 16, 2005

Santa Visit, AGAIN!!

So I had to go to the mall and pick up some gifts well Maddi just had to go see Santa again. She had to give Santa the updated Christmas list. We had already visited Santa like 3 weeks ago (with no wait), But since that visit things have changed. Nothing like a trip to Toys r us, with a big stinkin pink corvette right as you walk in the door. So back to our trip to the mall. Maddi just had to go see him again and tell him she no longer wanted the Cinderella baking kitchen (santa prolly wouldn't have gotten that anyway she has the potterybarn kitchen set). Well we waited in a 25 minute line just to tell Santa that she now wants a pink corvette. The things we do for our kids!!! And of course I wanted a pic of that cuz its a cute story to tell in a scrapbook. If you want to take a picture they request you buy a package. Well I was just there 3 weeks ago, and bought a overpriced low quality picture. Well I snapped a pic anyway. I must go see what Maddi is getting into.
~~ brandi~~

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